
Repertoire I

Here you will find the sheet music, choral practice tracks, song lyrics and translations – everything you need for your rehearsals to properly prepare for performing in the Song Festival.

National Anthems & Prayer

JAV himnas (The Star Spangled Banner)

Music: John Stafford Smith

Lyrics: Francis Scott Key

Choral practice tracks

Music: Calixa Lavalée

French text: Adolphe-Basile Routhier

English text: Stanley Wier

Choral practice tracks

Music & lyrics: Vincas Kudirka

Choral practice tracks

Music and lyrics: Vytautas Kernagis

Keyboard: Andrius Kulikauskas

Choir arrangement: Vytautas Miškinis

Choral practice tracks


Part I: We were born Lithuanian

Music: Stasys Šimkus

Lyrics: Jurgis Zauerveinas

Choral practice tracks

Note: The recording is in Db, whereas the song will be sung as in the sheet music, in C.

Lithuanian folk song, Harmonized by Juozas Tallat-Kelpša

Choral practice tracks

Lithuanian folk song, Variations by Jonas Tamulionis

Choral practice tracks

Lithuanian folk song, Variations by Danguolė Beinarytė

Choral practice tracks


Lithuanian folk song, Harmonization: Banga Balakauskienė

Choral practice tracks


Lithuanian folk song Variations by Vilija Mažintaitė

Choral practice tracks


Music: Juozas Naujalis

Lyrics: Maironis

Choral practice tracks
