
All the information you need – important dates, weekend schedule, terms of participation, registration forms, etc. – to prepare for participating in the song festival!

Be sure to check this page regularly for updates.

If you can’t find what you need, don’t hestitate to contact us. We will be happy to respond and to add it to our list of FAQ’s.

Participating choirs

Want to sing in the XI North American Lithuanian Song Festival? Find a choir in your area!

Don't see your choir's name on the list? Complete the registration form today!

Choir nameChoir directorChoir administratorChoir typeChoir voicingCityStateCountry


The XI North American Lithuanian Song Festival repertoire was presented in August at the Choir Directors' Seminar at Camp Dainava. The digital files are now likewise available. You will find the sheet music, choral practice tracks, song lyrics and translations – everything you need for your rehearsals to properly prepare for performing in the Song Festival.

Important dates

Launching of Song Festival social media & website
Choir directors' seminar registration
Choir registration
Centennial Lithuanian Song Festival (Vilnius, Lithuania)
Choir directors' seminar
(Camp Dainava, 15100 Austin Rd. Manchester, MI 48158)
Repertoire sheet music files and song learning mp3s available on festival website
Hotel room reservations open
Survey sent to choir directors and administrators to verify participant numbers & Repertoire sheet music books sent to participating choirs
Choir member registration
Ticket sales to the Song Festival Concert and other weekend events begin
Youth choir workshop (Memorial Day weekend)
(Camp Dainava, 15100 Austin Rd. Manchester, MI 48158)
XI North American Lithuanian Song Festival (Cleveland, OH)


6/26/2025 THURSDAY
8:00 AM
5:00 PM
Technical installations
Cleveland Public Auditorium
6/27/2025 FRIDAY
11:00 AM
5:00 PM
Participant registration
Cleveland Public Auditorium - LL10AB
10:00 AM
2:00 PM
Saturday concert performers' rehearsal
Cleveland Public Auditorium - Music Hall
10:00 AM
4:00 PM
Conductors' rehearsal with orchestra
Cleveland Public Auditorium - Public Hall
10:00 AM
4:00 PM
Dancers' rehearsal
Cleveland Public Auditorium - Public Hall
5:00 PM
7:00 PM
Choir directors' appreciation
Windows on the River - Loft
6:30 PM
10:30 PM
Welcome Evening - Indoor street party
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Aquarium
6:00 PM - 10:30 PM Vendors (Bridge View Room)
Windows on the River & Greater Cleveland Aquarium
6/28/2025 SATURDAY
8:00 AM
9:30 AM
Rehearsal for children's choirs
Cleveland Public Auditorium - Music Hall
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
Rehearsal for youth & adult choirs
Cleveland Public Auditorium - Public Hall
10:00 AM
12:00 PM
Rehearsal for all choirs
Cleveland Public Auditorium - Public Hall
12:00 PM
1:00 PM
Cleveland Public Auditorium - Lower-level meeting rooms
1:00 PM
5:00 PM
Dress rehearsal
Cleveland Public Auditorium - Public Hall
8:00 PM
10:30 PM
Cleveland Public Auditorium - Music Hall
6/29/2025 SUNDAY
9:45 AM
10:45 AM
Catholic Mass
Cleveland Public Auditorium - Music Hall
12:30 PM
1:30 PM
VIP Reception
Hilton Hotel - Eliot's Living Room
2:00 PM
5:00 PM
Song Festival Concert
Cleveland Public Auditorium - Public Hall
7:00 PM
12:00 AM
Song Festival Gala
7:00 PM - 7:45 PM Red carpet
7:45 PM - 9:00 PM Dinner
9:30 PM - 12:00 AM Dance
7:00 PM - 12:00 AM Vendors (Loft)
Windows on the River
6/30/2025 MONDAY
10:00 AM
1:00 PM
Farewell brunch for taskforces & working committees
Hilton Hotel

Vendor details and sign-up form coming soon!

Terms of Participation

Adult, youth, and children‘s choirs are invited.
Children = elementary school students (from 3rd grade to 8th grade, approximately 9-13 years old by summer).
Youth = high schoolers (9th to 12th grade students, approximately 14 to 18 years old by the summer) and university students (approximately 19 to 35 years old by the summer).
Everyone is required to learn the respective repertoire proficiently (approximately 19 songs for youth and adult choirs, and 12 songs for children‘s choirs). In addition there are anthems and songs sung with the audience.
Compulsory auditions will ensure that each choir has proficiently learned the required repertoire.
Registration of choirs takes place from May to the end of October, 2024. An approximate number of choir members is requested at his time. The registration fee for each choir is $100 USD.
Registration of individual choir members takes place from January 2024 to February, 2025. The registration fee for each person is $100 USD for youths and adults, and $75 USD for children. The fee covers expenses and includes the following:
The book of sheet music
Recordings for learning the songs
Lunch during the Saturday rehearsal
Participant ID card
Song festival t-shirt
Concert attire accessories
Song festival publication
All North American choir directors are asked to attend the seminar for choir directors August 15-18, 2024 at Camp Dainava.
All youth choir members are asked to attend the youth choir working sessions May 23-26, 2025 (Memorial Day weekend) at Camp Dainava.
All choir members are required to attend the final song festival rehearsal June 28, 2025 (Saturday) from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. (This is the day before the song festival concert.)
All participants, guests, friends, and audience members are encouraged to attend the weekend evening programs and celebrate this unique event. Ticket prices will be affordable. The purpose of the evening events is not to make a profit, but to offer an opportunity for all Lithuanians from North America and abroad to spend time together.
All participants in the song festival are responsible for their own travel, hotel, and personal expenses.
Each choir will be asked to provide information for the song festival publication, as well as materials for the entrance parade (whether that is physical or virtual). This includes written descriptions, photos, logo, flag, etc. Additional details will be provided at a later date.
Individuals not part of an established choir will be allowed to participate. However, they will need to follow strict guidelines for learning and auditioning the repertoire.


Choirs can register until October 31, 2024 (Halloween), inclusively.

We know that approximately 50% of the choirs in North America (especially youth and children‘s choirs) form when there is a Song Festival. There is also a tremendous amount of interest from choirs outside of North America (especially Europe and Lithuania) who have travel logistics and finances to take into account.

The registration term is meant to allow for all of this planning, especially as 10 years have gone by since the last song festival. That said, do not wait for the deadline to register. Do so as soon as you know that you have a choir that will be participating!

If you need to update your choir name and exact participant numbers, we will send various verifications throughout the year.

Yes, as in the most recent previous North American Lithuanian Song Festivals (2006, 2010, and 2015), repertoire books will be provided to participating choirs. During the Choir Directors‘ seminar, it became clear that, when registering, all choirs provided estimated numbers of participants. We understand that the choir season has just started and with it, the flurry of encouraging new and old members to join for the new and extra special song festival season!

As such, in October, we will send a survey to all participating choir directors and administrators to provide more precise numbers of how many and what type of books they need. Repertoire books will then be printed and shipped. Thank you for your cooperation and patience in this tremendous logistical effort! In the meantime, digital repertoire files are available on the website under „Repertoire“, and all rehearsals should more forward as planned.

*N.B. For choirs in Lithuania, we are determining how and when to get you books. Please stay tuned as we tackle this logistical question.

As choir registration comes to a close, the artistic team is looking at the composition and location of participating choirs and discussing how to conduct the audition process. The goal is to ensure that all participants know the repertoire as well as to raise choir caliber, by giving some feedback that choirs can then use as they continue to study the repertoire. As such, “review” or “examination” might be more appropriate than „audition“. If a choir has eggregiously not learned the repertoire, we reserve the right to refuse your participation, for the good of the whole.

Tickets for the festival itself and for related events will be sold through the Eventbrite platform. Links to Eventbrite will be available right here from the Song Festival website.

Specific terms and conditions, sign up and payment form are forthcoming. You will be able to register right here through the website. Stay tuned! We look forward to your participation!

Organizations are also welcome to participate and to share information about their work and mission!

Graphics & Brand Guidelines

Making posters or social media announcements to gather the choir or publicize concerts in your community? Here you will find the festival logo, graphics files and brand guidelines, like color codes and font type for use for all non-commercial purposes in your area.